Monday, November 16, 2009

A Deadly Idea

We took a little trip over the good ol amboy to the death banks today. Camera died 3 times on us and after running to the car charging it and going back and forth, we would not take no for an answer. The blog had to be updated. Luckily there were two rad kids at the foundation with a vx 2100 that when asked gladly helped us out with our camera problem. Thanks Jeff and Corey from sussex and if you happened to get to our blog from the stickers we gave you email me at: we'd like to link your site on our page.


death banks from joeskatesprime on Vimeo.


Unknown said...

Hell yeah BJ, you are the absolute man.

j dog said...


manooga said...

siked on not being able to walk up stairs ha


manooga said...

dude... same. today sucked walking up the stairs at RV. My upper legs are so fucking beat. My muscles are so tense ha